• China's Great Wall

  • Mecca, Saudi Arabia

  • Angkor Wat, Cambodia

  • Trans-Saharan Caravan

  • Indian Ocean Dhow

  • Rome, Italy

  • Moscow, Russia


About Me essay. Watch videos: Welcome to AP World History online.

 Unboxing AP World History. 

Complete Unboxing Scavenger Hunt (Google Form).

  • Familiarize students with Course
  • Understand scope of course timeline
  • Understand relationship between learn objectives, historical developments, and illustrative examples 
Watch video Arguing in AP World History
Submit argument in ItsLearning (Analyze the social effects of metals on early farming communities.) Read pages on Paleolithic to Neolithic societies. 
  • Understand historical claims 
  • Understand how evidence supports claims
  • Make and support a historical claim
Reading on Agricultural Revolution to Civilizations (See ItsLearning). Download the Flipgrid app and respond to teacher's video with an argument. 
  • Understand Neolithic Revolution
  • Make a historical claim and support it with evidence.

Read text on the rise of civilizations. Watch video on Making Arguments about River Valley Civilization.
Analyze evidence and make argument about the fall of the Indus River Valley Civilization. 

  • Understand basic features of first civilizations
  • Make an argument on archeological evidence.

Watch video on Classical State-Building. 
Make note of these required terms:
-Primary Sources
-Secondary Sources
-Marriage Alliances

Continue to analyze documents from video. 

  • Understand Primary Sources, Secondary Sources
  • Explain how the following served as methods of state-building: Marriage Alliances, Tribute
  • Understand the terms Identify and Explain
  • Have a basic understanding of the skill of contextualization
  • Analyze primary and secondary sources to make an argument about state-building
Analyze documents on decline of Classical Civilizations and perform tasks (use google form). 
  • Understand reasons for the decline of states in the Classical Age
  • Analyze primary and secondary sources and make an argument about the decline of states 
Read text on Cultural Traditions. Watch Crash Course videos on Buddhism and Islam through Edpuzzle (answer questions).  Watch video on Belief Systems in Civilizations. 

  • Understand basic features of major belief systems
  • Understand the role belief systems played in civilizations before 1200
Contextualize Document from South Asia on Flipgrid. 
  • Successfully contextualize a primary source
Summative Assessment on Unit Zero
  • Successfully complete multiple choice questions on content/textbook reading
  • Successfully make an argument (claim and evidence)
  • Successfully demonstrate use of skills: identify, explain, contextualization

This time period covers Periods one and two, but will be taught and assessed as a single unit. It is very important for later units that you learn the material in this first time period we
ll. You will learn about the discovery of agriculture, the development of metal technology, and the rise of civilizations. After learning about the first major civilizations that emerged in river valleys, you will study the classical civilizations of India, China, and the Mediterranean region (Greece and Rome). You will learn many major belief systems and religions in this unit, and understand how they support and influence political, social and gender structures. After comparing the ways in which these classical civilizations fell, you will see that at the end of this time period civilization is defined more by religious zones (Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, etc) than by political empires. 


As you read the Key Concepts, don't just memorize individual facts (although you do need to know them.) It is important that you know how facts serve as examples of the larger concepts under which they are indexed. 


Period 1 Key Concepts
Key Concept Mashup (Order in which they will be taught in class-Great study guide!)
Key Concept 1.1 Big Geography and the Peopling of the Earth  
Key Concept 1.2 The Neolithic Revolution and Early Agricultural Societies 
Key Concept 1.3 The Development and Interaction of Early Agricultural, Pastoral and Urban


Period 2 Key Concepts
Key Concept Mashup (Order in which they will be taught in class-- Great study guide!)
Key Concept 2.1 The Development and Codification of Religious and Cultural Traditions  
Key Concept 2.2 The Development of States and Empires 
Key Concept 2.3 Emergence of Transregional Networks of Communication and Exchange 


Class Handouts/Resources Class Notes/Links
 Items to Study for Geography Test  Pre History to River Valleys
 Paleolithic/Neolithic AP Historical Themes  Essay on the Epic of Gilgamesh
 The Worst Mistake in History?  Classical India
 Debate: Was the Neolithic Revolution good?  The Caste System in India
 Analyzing Evidence: Harappan Civilization  Classical China
 Worksheet: 5 APWH themes South Asia  Fall of Classical Civilizations PPT
 Worksheet: 5 APWH themes East Asia  Key Concept 2 Review Questions (B Strickland)
 Study Guide for Period II Exam NEW  The impact of Chinese Belief Systems on Urban design
 Two Views of Medicine: Greece and China  Timeline Review for Periods 1 and 2
 Silk Roads Review: Themes and Skills  Timeline Key      Timeline Key (part 2) 
 Video: The Peopling of the Earth  Summary website of River Valley Civilizations 
 The Journey of Mankind: Interactive Map  South Asian Imperial Expansion


Class Podcasts
Classical China's Political Consolidation

 Learning Objectives for this Podcast:
1) Know the Qin and Han contributions to Chinese imperial consolidation
2) Compare the functions of belief systems in South Asian and East Asian Civilizations
3) Know the ways Classical Civilizations expanded into new territories.
4) Explain the various techniques of imperial administration in the Classical age.

 Roman Civilization

Learning Objectives for this Podcast:

1) What were Rome's methods of expansion and imperial administration?
2) What were the basic phases of Roman political consolidation and development?
3) How did Rome's management of empire compare with that of Asian empires?
4) What were the functions of informal agents and law in Roman civilization? 

Podcast 3

Learning Objectives for this Podcast:

The Fall of Classical Empires


 Learning Objectives for this Podcast:

1) What were the social, economic, and political reasons for the fall of classical empires?
2) What were the similarities and differences between the fall of Rome and the fall of the Han?
3) What was the relationship between settled empires and pastoral people?

At the beginning of unit 3 the classical civilizations are gone and religion takes a primary role in defining civilizations. Although the Roman empire never recovers, the eastern half, the Byzantine Empire, continues until the end of this time period and spreads orthodox Christianity and a model of strong centralized government. Buddhism is now a permanent feature of Chinese civilization, and through the dynamic and urban dynasties of the Tang and Song, spreads to Korea, Japan and southeast Asia. Perhaps the most remarkable religious phenomenon of this unit is the rise and spread of Islam. Islamic empires spread culture and ideas, and form spheres of increased trade and contact. The Silk Road trade routes--so prominent in connecting the classical civilizations of the previous unit--are eclipsed by Indian Ocean trade. And finally, nomadic people play a important role during this era, the most important of which are the Mongols who build the largest land empire the world has ever seen. By the end of this unit, western Europe and China are each experiencing a renaissance of culture, Russia is recovering from Mongol domination, and the two hemispheres of the globe are about to be introduced by Columbus. 

As you read the Key Concepts, don't just memorize individual facts (although you do need to know them.) It is important that you know how facts serve as examples of the larger concepts under which they are indexed. 


Key Concepts for Period 3
Key Concept Mashup (Order in which they will be taught in class--Great study guide!)
Key Concept 3.1 Expansion and Intensification of Communication and Exchange Networks  
Key Concept 3.2 Continuity and Innovation of State Forms and Their Interactions 
Key Concept 3.3 Increased Economic Productive Capacity and its Consequences 


Class Handouts Class Notes/Resources
 Pre-Columbian Trade Routes in Americas  Indian Ocean Trade Activity
 Tang China Equal Field Tax Debate (w/docs)  Africa's Golden Age of Empires
 The Silk Roads in History (University of Penn)  Sinification of East and Southeast Asia
 Cornell Notes on Byzantine Chapter  Neo-Confucianism
 Period 3 STUDY GUIDE Part A: Key Concepts  The Confucian Civil Service Exam System
 Period 3 STUDY GUIDE: Part B: Themes  China's Song Dynasty
 Timeline Review for Period 3  The Mongols in World History
 All the Khan's Horses: Mongols and horses  Travels of Ibn Battuta
Russia, Land of the Rus  Diasporic Merchant Communities


Class Podcasts
Islam Podcast 1 

 Learning Objectives for this Podcast:
1) Patterns of settlement in Arabia before and after Muhammad's life
2) How Islam became a centralizing force for the nomadic bedouins of Arabia.
3) Primary beliefs of Islam and how they affect society.
5) Reasons for divisions within the Muslim community.
6) The characteristics of the Umayyad and Abbasid Dynasties.

 Islam Podcast 2
Learning Objectives for this Podcast:
1) The nature of Islamic civilization and institutions.
2) Islam's effect on trade and economy.
3) Islam's political effects.
4) Social patterns of conversion to Islam in different areas.
5) The interaction of Islamic civilization with West Africa, South Asia, Anatolia, and Western Europe
China Podcast 1

Learning Objectives for this Podcast:
1) The Sui Dynasty (government projects facilitating trade).
2) How the Tang combined traditions and innovations in its state.
3) The expansion of the Tang (tributary relations and technological diffusion).
4) The Song economic and urban revolution. 

Mongol Podcast

Learning Objectives for this Podcast:
1) How did the environment shape the nature of steppe civilization
2) How were the Mongols able to unify an empire on the Central Asian steppes?
3) What was the effect of the Mongols on trade?
4) What was the impact of the Mongols on Russia, China, and the Dar al Islam?

This period begins with the fall of Constantinople to the Muslim Turks, an event which impels Europeans to find new trade routes to the East. In this pursuit, the two hemispheres of the world meet and engage in the first truly global system of trade. A major difference between this and the previous period is that Islam is divided into 3 regional empires rather than a single unified Dar al Islam. The role of nomadic people is significantly less important in this era, as only large wealthy empires can afford the large militaries armed with firearms, another characteristic of this era. Gunpowder transforms West Africa, Japan, the Muslim world, and allows the Russian empire to continue its growth. Europe undergoes a cultural transformation in which intellectuals relied on direct experience and observation rather than the presumptive authority of the past to gain knowledge. The resulting benefits in science allowed Europe to project itself into the Indian Ocean and to subjugate people in the New World as they created colonies and exploited indigenous people there. China was once again ruled by foreigners and Japan centralized its rule with the aid of gunpowder. Both of these Asia powers were able to resist the Europeans during this time period, but were not so fortunate in the next.

As you read the Key Concepts, don't just memorize individual facts (although you do need to know them.) It is important that you know how facts serve as examples of the larger concepts under which they are indexed. 


Period 4 Key Concepts
Key Concept Mashup (Order in which they will be taught in class--Great study guide!)
Key Concept 4.1 Globalizing Networks of Communication and Exchange
Key Concept 4.2 New Forms of Social Organization and Modes of Production
Key Concept 4.3 State Consolidation and Imperial Expansion


Class Handouts Class Notes/Resources
Semester Review Presentation Instructions Video on Columbian Exchange                        
Review Questions for Midterm Mateo Ricci in China
Motivation for Exploration Assignment The Voyages of Zheng He
Chapter 14 Worksheet Snapshot of an Empire: The Manchus
Chapter 15 Worksheet Snapshot of an Empire: The Mughals
Comparison of Empire Worksheet  Snapshot of an Empire: The Ottoman
Social Changes Questions (Key Concept 4.2) Snapshot of an Empire: Russia



At the beginning of this era, the ideas of the Enlightenment challenge traditional ideas about political legitimacy and lead to the American and French Revolutions. Independence movements spread across the Americas and Caribbean. The Industrial Revolution transforms the social and economic foundations of people’s lives, and creates the need for vast amounts of raw materials and markets in which to sell manufactured goods. A new wave of imperialism sweeps the globe, and penetrates areas formally inaccessible to Europe, such as China, Japan, and Africa. Challenged by the new changes in economic and political thought, long standing civilizations struggle between reforming their ways and retaining their traditional identities. Russia, the Ottoman Empire, China and Japan all deal with these struggles, with varying degrees of success. Global competition for colonies and the building of large armies to maintain them bring the world closer to war. 

As you read the Key Concepts, don't just memorize individual facts (although you do need to know them.) It is important that you know how facts serve as examples of the larger concepts under which they are indexed. 


Period 5 Key Concepts
Key Concept Mashup (Order in which they will be taught in class--Great study guide!)
Key Concept 5.1 Industrialization and Global Capitalism
Key Concept 5.2 Imperialism and Nation-State Formation
Key Concept 5.3 Nationalism, Revolution, and Reform
Key Concept 5.4 Global Migration


Class Handouts Class Notes/Resources
Notes on the French Revolution                Crash Course: The French Revolution
Comparison of Revolutions worksheet  Crash Course: The Haitian Revolution
Responses to Imperialism worksheet Crash Course: Latin American Revolutions
Societies at Crossroads: Summary Interactive Map: Native Americans' loss of land to USA
Graphic Organizer: Japan and Russia Belgian Colonization of Congo (Graphic Content)
Graphic Organizer: China and Ottoman Crash Course: 19th Century Imperialism
Period 5 Vocabulary Period 5 Post-It Review
Forced Migrations during Ottoman Empire Class Review Blog



Class Podcasts

Revolutions Part I 

 Learning Objectives for this Podcast:
1) The intellectual foundations of The American and French Revolutions
2) The particular causes for rebellion in America and France.
3) The different goals and outcomes of these revolutions.
5) The limits of the revolutionary movement for rights.
6) Napoleon and Nationalism: what is nationalism and what challenges did it bring?

Revolutions Part II


Learning Objectives for this Podcast:
1) Identify the following social groups: peninsulares, creoles, grand blancs, petit blancs, gens de couleur
2) Link the following people to their respective revolution: Toussaint L'Overture, Simon Bolivar, Miguel Hidalgo, Augustin Iturbide.
3) In what way was the Haitian Revolution unique?
4) What were the results of each of these revolutions? 
5) What problems plagued these newly independent nations.

The Industrial Revolution: Challenges to the Old Order in Russia and the Ottoman Empire


Learning Objectives for this Podcast:
1) What empires contracted in this time period? Why?
2) What reforms were attempted by the Ottoman and Russian Empires?
3) To what extent were these reforms successful? 
4) What were obstacles to reform encountered by these empires?
5) Know an example of state-sponsored industrialization.

Imperialism 2.0: Challenges to the Old Order in Asia

Learning Objectives for this Podcast:
1) How was Imperialism in this era different than in the previous 3 centuries?
2) What empires expanded and contracted in the industrial age?
3) What were the crises that provoked China and Japan to embark upon reform?
4) What obstacles to reform did China and Japan encounter? How successful were the reform movements?
5) Identify one millenarian movement that was a response to the anxieties of change.