• China's Great Wall

  • Mecca, Saudi Arabia

  • Angkor Wat, Cambodia

  • Trans-Saharan Caravan

  • Indian Ocean Dhow

  • Rome, Italy

  • Moscow, Russia

Day #


Topics/Key Concepts



Review Personal Progress Check on Unit 1. Reteach topic 1.6 on Europe. 



Personal Progress Check on Unit 2.



Review for Exam on 1200-1450. Here are the topics to study for Unit I.  HERE are the Topics for Unit 2Print these and use them to study. Review the video again on how to study. 


10/11 Friday

Exam on 1200-1450, Units I and II. 



Intro to 1450-1750 time period. 



(Humanities field trip to Shakespeare Tavern) Students should have AMSCO 141-151 read and annotated. 



Mankind video, "New World". Students read THIS TEXT on the origins of European outreach. Here are the tasks for this reading. Be prepared to explain how European contact with other civilizations facilitated their global maritime outreach. 



Students use Peer-Grade to build a claim on this week's content. 




1.1 Developments in East Asia
2.1 The Silk Roads
2.5 Cultural Consequences of Connectivity

Watch the Intro Video on 1200-1450 and China.

Complete Google form questions on the above video. 

Textbook readings (See ItsLearning)

Read The Silk Roads


Use Google My Maps to demonstrate the dissemination of Chinese culture across Asia

 Video on how to submit your map.


Contextualize and analyze THIS DOCUMENT. Submit your response in ItsLearning. 


Watch the video on The Paragraph, then submit a single paragraph about the growth of China's economy with one claim, supported by two pieces of specific evidence.


  • Familiarize students with how the period 1200 to 1450 will be organized by topics.
  • Understand continuities in Chinese state-building in this era









  • Understand the nature of networks of trade that connected China with other civilizations and peoples.


  • Understand China's cultural impact on specific areas around Asia. 


  • Practice skill of contextualization and analyzing primary sources



  • Understand the cause of China's economic growth during the Song Dynasty.
  • Be able to craft a paragraph with a single claim supported by multiple pieces of historical evidence. 



1.2 Developments in Dar al-Islam
1.5 State Building in Africa
2.4 Trans-Saharan Trade Routes

Watch intro video on Islam from 1200 to 1450.

Complete Google form questions on video.


Analyze the 6 documents on Islam from this era (see ItsLearning). Make note of changes that took place as well as continuities (things that stayed the same). Isolate the documents you would use to make a claim about changes and about continuities. Submit your responses in the Google form. 

Read Internet Notes on Africa



  • Understand how Islam strengthened state-building in Sub Saharan Africa
  • Identify the mosque and Jenne, and explain how it represents the impact of Islam in Africa
  • Understand the role of Islam on trans-Saharan trade routes. 
  • Identify the significance of the Kingdom of Mail and Mansa Musa.



  • Identify changes and continuities in Islamic civilizations between 1200 and 1450.
  • Practice analyzing multiple primary sources.
  • Practice making historical claims.

Watch the video on How to Study for AP World History.

Complete the Appositive Connections Sheet

Read Section called ¨Civilizations of the Fifteenth Century: The Americas,"  (pages 588-594, as numbers on the pages) in Strayer (CH 13).

Complete analyses and tasks based on Topic 1.4 Documents.

Listen to Podcast Quiz on Mongols

Objectives for this podcast:

  • How did the environment shape the nature of steppe civilization
  • How were the Mongols able to unify an empire on the Central Asian steppes?
  • What was the effect of the Mongols on trade?
  • What was the impact of the Mongols on Russia, China, and the Dar al Islam?

Take online quiz on podcast in ItsLearning.

  • Understand and practice effective study strategies for APWH






  • Explain the nature of Pre-Columbian state-building in the Americas


Attend live video lecture on Topic 1.6

Read Topic 2.3 in AP Worldipedia

Read the section called Sea Roads: Exchange Across the Indian Ocean, that begins on page 341 and ends on 348 of the reading Commerce and Culture. (Stayer text).

Read Diasporic Communities and respond to the following meme on Flipgrid (link is in ItsLearning)

Complete and submit Appositive Connections vol 2.


  • Explain the impact of the environment on trade networks
  • Explain the causes of cultural diffusion 
  • Know the role of diasporic merchant communities

Complete Personal Progress Check for Unit 2 on AP Classroom.

Your results on the two progress checks will create a customized review plan for this week's Exam on the years 1200 to 1450. Find your customized review plan in ItsLearning.


Ibn Battuta Trip Advisor Review Project.

After reading Ibn Battuta and Marco Polo: The Pilgrim and the Merchant, watch the video above for directions on completing and submitting your project. 

HERE is the link to the travel pages. 

View PowerPoint reviews on Topics from Unit 1 and Unit 2. HERE are all the Topic Pages


Lessons for Unit Zero (Pre-1200)

Lessons for 1200 to 1450


Topics: Find all Topic Pages HERE

Attend Live Video Session on intro to the Period 1450 to 1750

Read pages 436-444 (The Transformation of Europe) 

Read and analyze three documents on Motives for Colonization

Complete Tasks (in ItsLearning) based on the Motives for Colonization documents. 

AP Worldipedia Readings:

Topic 4.1 Technological Innovations

Topic 4.2 Explorations: Causes and Events

Complete the Tasks on Iberian Outreach


Textbook readings (See ItsLearning)

Read The Silk Roads


Use Google My Maps to demonstrate the dissemination of Chinese culture across Asia

 Video on how to submit your map.


Contextualize and analyze THIS DOCUMENT. Submit your response in ItsLearning. 


Watch the video on The Paragraph, then submit a single paragraph about the growth of China's economy with one claim, supported by two pieces of specific evidence.


  • Familiarize students with how the period 1450 to 1750 will be organized by topics.
  • Understand the political and cultural context of Europe's exploration and colonial outreach









  • Understand the nature of networks of trade that connected China with other civilizations and peoples.


  • Understand China's cultural impact on specific areas around Asia. 


  • Practice skill of contextualization and analyzing primary sources



  • Understand the cause of China's economic growth during the Song Dynasty.
  • Be able to craft a paragraph with a single claim supported by multiple pieces of historical evidence. 



1.2 Developments in Dar al-Islam
1.5 State Building in Africa
2.4 Trans-Saharan Trade Routes

Watch intro video on Islam from 1200 to 1450.

Complete Google form questions on video.


Analyze the 6 documents on Islam from this era (see ItsLearning). Make note of changes that took place as well as continuities (things that stayed the same). Isolate the documents you would use to make a claim about changes and about continuities. Submit your responses in the Google form. 

Read Internet Notes on Africa



  • Understand how Islam strengthened state-building in Sub Saharan Africa
  • Identify the mosque and Jenne, and explain how it represents the impact of Islam in Africa
  • Understand the role of Islam on trans-Saharan trade routes. 
  • Identify the significance of the Kingdom of Mail and Mansa Musa.



  • Identify changes and continuities in Islamic civilizations between 1200 and 1450.
  • Practice analyzing multiple primary sources.
  • Practice making historical claims.

Watch the video on How to Study for AP World History.

Complete the Appositive Connections Sheet

Read Section called ¨Civilizations of the Fifteenth Century: The Americas,"  (pages 588-594, as numbers on the pages) in Strayer (CH 13).

Complete analyses and tasks based on Topic 1.4 Documents.

Listen to Podcast Quiz on Mongols

Objectives for this podcast:

  • How did the environment shape the nature of steppe civilization
  • How were the Mongols able to unify an empire on the Central Asian steppes?
  • What was the effect of the Mongols on trade?
  • What was the impact of the Mongols on Russia, China, and the Dar al Islam?

Take online quiz on podcast in ItsLearning.

  • Understand and practice effective study strategies for APWH






  • Explain the nature of Pre-Columbian state-building in the Americas


Attend live video lecture on Topic 1.6

Read Topic 2.3 in AP Worldipedia

Read the section called Sea Roads: Exchange Across the Indian Ocean, that begins on page 341 and ends on 348 of the reading Commerce and Culture. (Stayer text).

Read Diasporic Communities and respond to the following meme on Flipgrid (link is in ItsLearning)

Complete and submit Appositive Connections vol 2.


  • Explain the impact of the environment on trade networks
  • Explain the causes of cultural diffusion 
  • Know the role of diasporic merchant communities

Complete Personal Progress Check for Unit 2 on AP Classroom.

Your results on the two progress checks will create a customized review plan for this week's Exam on the years 1200 to 1450. Find your customized review plan in ItsLearning.


Ibn Battuta Trip Advisor Review Project.

After reading Ibn Battuta and Marco Polo: The Pilgrim and the Merchant, watch the video above for directions on completing and submitting your project. 

HERE is the link to the travel pages. 

View PowerPoint reviews on Topics from Unit 1 and Unit 2. HERE are all the Topic Pages


         Period 3: Units 5 and 6               

Print the Period 3 Content Inventory to be turned in after Unit 6.

Required! Live Video Session: The Nature of the AP Exam




5.1 The Enlightenment
5.2 Nationalism and Revolutions

Readings and Assignments:

AP Worldipedia on the Enlightenment

Complete SAQ on the Enlightenment using Eduflow. Peer review
two other students.

Strayer, pp. 779-787

Listen to Podcast on American and French Revolutions

 Learning Objectives for this Podcast:
1) The intellectual foundations of The American and French Revolutions
2) The particular causes for rebellion in America and France.
3) The different goals and outcomes of these revolutions.
5) The limits of the revolutionary movement for rights.
6) Napoleon and Nationalism: what is nationalism and what challenges
did it bring?

Strayer 787-793

Listen to Podcast on Latin American Revolutions


Learning Objectives for this Podcast:
1) Identify the following social groups: peninsulares, creoles, grand blancs,
petit blancs, gens de couleur
2) Link the following people to their respective revolution: Toussaint
L'Overture, Simon Bolivar, Miguel Hidalgo, Augustin Iturbide.
3) In what way was the Haitian Revolution unique?
4) What were the results of each of these revolutions? 
5) What problems plagued these newly independent nations.

Complete Comparative Revolutions Organizer


5.3 The Industrial Revolutions Begins
.4 Industrialization Spreads

5.5 Technology in the Industrial Age
5.6 Industrialization: Government's Role
5.7 Economic Developments and Innovations
5.8 Reactions to the Industrial Economy
5.9 Society and the Industrial Age

Readings and Assignments:

AP Worldipedia on the Industrial Revolution

Watch video and answer question about Industrial Revolution on Edpuzzle.

Strayer, 832-839

Watch the first video on the Long Essay Question (LEQ)

Watch the second video on the Long Essay Question (LEQ)


Turn in completed graphic organizer from the videos.

Transform graphic organizers into two body paragraphs and thesis. You may
need to watch the video below again to be reminded of paragraph composition. 




Topics/Key Concepts

 MON  8/21

Solar Eclipse: Everyone out



Substitute Today: In-class Reading on ItsLearning. Text summaries due tomorrow. KC 2.2.I., 2.2.II.A. The Rise of the Mauyran/Gupta states--their methods of state-building. Skill: Contextualization Use your knowledge of Theme 2 to contextualize this document.



KC 2.1.I.B. From Vedic Age to Hinduism. (Connect back to 1.3.III.D.) You should be able to use the following vocabulary to explain how a belief system supported social hierarchies: dharma, jati, Laws of Manu, sati. All students should create an account on PlayPosit today. KC 2.1.II.A Buddhism's answer to the problem of suffering. Four Noble Truths, Buddhism's similarities and differences with Hinduism. Introduce Themes Worksheet on South Asia. HW: Watch Ashoka/Buddhism video on PlayPosit, complete viewing questions.



Quiz on Readings and Class Discussions so far. Themes worksheet on South Asia due Tuesday. PlayPosit video and questions due today. Podcast due Monday.

Putting it all together: What you should know at the end of this week:
How did Hinduism develop and what effect did it have on South Asia’s social structure?
How did Buddhism develop and spread? How did it challenge traditional social structures?
What is the role of a bureaucracy as a centralizing institution in state-building?
What was the impact of intellectual and economic innovations as they spread from one society to another?
How were religious and social values reflected in art and architecture?  



Topics/Key Concepts



KC 2.2.I., 2.2.II. Begin state-building in Classical East Asia. Zhou, Mandate of Heaven, Three ideologies: Legalism, Confucianism, Daoism. Podcast due Today: China's Political Consolidation.



State-building. From Qin to Han. Mankind video on Shi Huangdi. Reading for Friday: Honey and Vinegar-Ashoka and Shi Huangdi



Early Release day: Analyze document in class on Confucianism and Merchants. Begin "Building an Argument Tower." 



Reading on Ashoka and Shi Huangdi due today. All Argument Towers essays due today. Begin working on Theme Worksheet on East Asia which is due Tuesday. For Tuesday: Finish document from Wed/Thur by submitting your iDoc analysis. 



Topics/Key Concepts

 MON  8/20

The role of Hinduism/dharma in reinforcing South Asian social structures. KC 2.1.I.B. From Vedic Age to Hinduism. (Connect back to 1.3.III.D.) You should be able to use the following vocabulary to explain how a belief system supported social hierarchies: dharma, jati, Laws of Manu, sati. KC 2.1.II.A Due Today: Reading AMSCO 92-100. HW for tomorrow: Watch Playposit video on South Asia and answer questions. You must sign into your account before watching this



Buddhism's answer to the problem of suffering. Four Noble Truths, Buddhism's similarities and differences with Hinduism. Introduce Themes Worksheet on South Asia. Print this and bring to class on block. This is due Friday. Contextualization: analyze Songs of Nuns again, this time in context of what you just learned about South Asia. SEP (Single Evidence Paragraph) on role of culture in South Asia. 



The Rise of the Mauyran/Gupta states--their methods of state-building.KC 2.1.II.A. Analyzing sources about M/G state consolidation and contributions. 



Quiz on Readings and Class Discussions so far. Themes worksheet on South Asia due today. Podcast #1 (Ancient China) due Monday.

Putting it all together: What you should know at the end of this week:
How did Hinduism develop and what effect did it have on South Asia’s social structure?
How did Buddhism develop and spread? How did it challenge traditional social structures?
What is the role of a bureaucracy as a centralizing institution in state-building?
What was the impact of intellectual and economic innovations as they spread from one society to another?
How were religious and social values reflected in art and architecture?  



Topics/Key Concepts



KC 2.2.I., 2.2.II. Begin state-building in Classical East Asia.  Podcast due Today: China's Political Consolidation. Students analyze evidence on Chinese state-building and complete analytical tasks. 



Zhou, Mandate of Heaven, Three ideologies: Legalism, Confucianism, Daoism.State-building. From Qin to Han. Mankind video on Shi Huangdi. Reading for Friday: Honey and Vinegar-Ashoka and Shi Huangdi



Analyze document in class on Confucianism and Merchants. Begin "Building an Argument Tower." 



Reading on Ashoka and Shi Huangdi due today. All Argument Towers essays due today. Begin working on Theme Worksheet on East Asia which is due Tuesday. For Tuesday: Finish document from Wed/Thur by submitting your iDoc analysis.