• China's Great Wall

  • Mecca, Saudi Arabia

  • Angkor Wat, Cambodia

  • Trans-Saharan Caravan

  • Indian Ocean Dhow

  • Rome, Italy

  • Moscow, Russia

Period 3 Connections: Commerce, Culture, and Patterns of Human interaction. 

Your group will be assigned one topic from the resources below.
The goal is to read and comprehend the sources and be able to engage in an intelligent discussion about your topic with others. In this discussion we are primarily looking for your ability to make connects across what you have learned so far. This includes comparisons, changes and continuities, causes, and synthesis (note the synthesis video for a recap).


A) The printed Chapter (Commerce and Culture, Strayer) Find it on ItsLearning
B) Secondary sources on Diasporic Merchant communities
C) Caravanserai and other developments in trade
D) Empires and the incorporation of new ethnic groups in trade
E) Pre-Columbian Trade Routes

Some Resources for question writing:
1) Basic Guide to Harkness Discussions
2) Bloom's Taxonomy
3) Question writing guide (note: not all stems are relevant)

How will you be graded?

You will be graded on the quality of your contributions.

Unacceptable-not contributing or showing no evidence of your knowledge of the author's argument
Passing-Bringing in evidence from the article or having knowledge of the author's argument
Good-Bringing relevant outside information from class, readings, or podcasts into the discussion
Outstanding-Linking the content of the conversation to other time periods or situations we have studied (Synthesis)


Exam Content Date
Exam 1 Period 1 and 2 Sept 17
Exam 2 Period 3 Nov 5
Midterm Period 4 Dec 19
Exam 4 Period 5 Feb 22
Exam 5 Period 6 April 15



Homework Assignment: About Me

Create a ONE page "Who am I" biography.

Must Include

  • a baby/toddler picture of you
  • at least 5 statements about yourself
  • A major turning point in your life
  • An effect of this turning point

Things to note:

  • Give your life's periods creative names (ie., Age of Awakening)
  • You can use bullets or paragraphs
  • Give information about your "turning point" in the following ways
    1) Identify (Simply name the event)
    2) Describe (Give descriptive facts about the event)
    3) Explain (Explain WHY the event was a turning point for you)

Face to face classes: HARD COPY due Monday, August 8

Directions:  Each group will research the 4 land-based empires from Period IV (Ottoman, Russian, Qing, and Mughal). You will focus specifically on the following items:
1) Their methods for obtaining political legitimacy
2) Imperial structure
3) Intermediaries (change in elites) and labor/commerce
4) Internal and external rivalries
5) Handling diversity (ethnic, religious, etc)

Your required sources for research are:
1) AP Worldipedia
2) Your homework readings from Bulliet (selections from CH 19 and 20)
3) Bentley textbook (CH 28)
4) Hansen texbook (pp. 501-511)

Each group must research collaboratively and contribute to their group's Google Doc. Your individual work should be labeled by placing your last name in parenthesis after your contribution. This will comprise half of your grade. The only resource you may have during the discussion is your group's Google Doc. Specific Empires and topics will be assigned to your group at the beginning of the discussion so you need to be well prepared for all 4 empires. As usual, contributions and questions that score the highest are those that connect your knowledge to the Historical Thinking Skills, such as Comparison, Causation, Changes and Continuities, and Periodization.

Weeks 19 and 20

Weeks 17 and 18

Weeks 15 and 16

Weeks 13 and 14

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