• China's Great Wall

  • Mecca, Saudi Arabia

  • Angkor Wat, Cambodia

  • Trans-Saharan Caravan

  • Indian Ocean Dhow

  • Rome, Italy

  • Moscow, Russia

A Cool Accordion

You could simply toggle the .show class (if display: block is uncommented in the CSS) in JavaScript, but you'll lose the animation.

  • Item 1
    • Option 1
    • Option 2
    • Option 3
  • Item 2
    • Option 1
    • Option 2
    • Option 3
  • Item 3
    • Open Inner

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas tempus placerat fringilla. Duis a elit et dolor laoreet volutpat. Aliquam ultrices mauris id mattis imperdiet. Aenean cursus ultrices justo et varius. Suspendisse aliquam orci id dui dapibus blandit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed risus velit, pellentesque eu enim ac, ultricies pretium felis.

    • Open Inner #2

      Children will automatically close upon closing its parent.

    • Option 3
  • Item 4
    • Technically any number of nested elements
      • Another nested element

        As long as the inner element has inner as one of its classes then it will be toggled.

        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas tempus placerat fringilla. Duis a elit et dolor laoreet volutpat. Aliquam ultrices mauris id mattis imperdiet. Aenean cursus ultrices justo et varius. Suspendisse aliquam orci id dui dapibus blandit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed risus velit, pellentesque eu enim ac, ultricies pretium felis.

    • Option 2
    • Option 3

Workshop Resources:

My primary website: www.historyhaven.com

My content site: www.APWorldipedia.com

My blog for teachers: www.apworldhistoryteacher.com

My Workshop Google Drive

My Review Google Drive

Youtube video on Synthesis

Keynote (MAC) Presentations


The thesis is the most important sentence in the essay. It's flaws will be magnified across the entire essay and limit the points you will earn on the rubric. The following activity is designed to give me feedback on how well you understand the thesis. You may look back to notes and APWorldipedia to help with content. Just make sure you write your own thesis so I can be sure you understand this. 

NOTE: There are only two ways to fail this: 1) Don't do it, and 2) Copy another student's thesis.  Plagiarism check is running.