• China's Great Wall

  • Mecca, Saudi Arabia

  • Angkor Wat, Cambodia

  • Trans-Saharan Caravan

  • Indian Ocean Dhow

  • Rome, Italy

  • Moscow, Russia

Period 3 Connections: Commerce, Culture, and Patterns of Human interaction. 

Your group will be assigned one topic from the resources below.
The goal is to read and comprehend the sources and be able to engage in an intelligent discussion about your topic with others. In this discussion we are primarily looking for your ability to make connects across what you have learned so far. This includes comparisons, changes and continuities, causes, and synthesis (note the synthesis video for a recap).


A) The printed Chapter (Commerce and Culture, Strayer) Find it on ItsLearning
B) Secondary sources on Diasporic Merchant communities
C) Caravanserai and other developments in trade
D) Empires and the incorporation of new ethnic groups in trade
E) Pre-Columbian Trade Routes

Some Resources for question writing:
1) Basic Guide to Harkness Discussions
2) Bloom's Taxonomy
3) Question writing guide (note: not all stems are relevant)

How will you be graded?

You will be graded on the quality of your contributions.

Unacceptable-not contributing or showing no evidence of your knowledge of the author's argument
Passing-Bringing in evidence from the article or having knowledge of the author's argument
Good-Bringing relevant outside information from class, readings, or podcasts into the discussion
Outstanding-Linking the content of the conversation to other time periods or situations we have studied (Synthesis)