1.The following chart shows that:

A. Silver tended to “flow” from Asia to Western Europe.

B. Silver exports from Japan exceeded those of the New World.

C. Silver production in the New World decreased from the 16th to the 18th century.

D. China was the final destination for much of the silver produced from the 16th to the 18th century.

E. Manila was the world’s leading consumer of silver bullion.


2. Which reason did not contribute to the Netherlands becoming an economic success in the 1600’s?

a. rational economic behavior brought about by Calvinism.

b. the development of more efficient merchant ships.

c. conveniently located deposits of iron.

d. immigration of Spanish dominion refugees.

e. government policies that promoted trade.


3.  A comparison of maritime voyages of the Europeans in the late 15th and 16th centuries with the voyages China’s Zheng He  illustrates:

A.     the larger and more technologically superior fleets that the Europeans could muster in the 15th century

B.     Europeans had a greater capacity for overseas expansion than the Chinese did at the same time

C.     there was more incentive and long-term support among Europeans for exploration and overseas trade.

D.     importance of the support of the scholar-gentry for maritime voyages in China.

E.     impact of nomads on China in terms of creating a need to find alternative trade routes.


4.       Which of the following products had a significant impact on the Chinese economy during the Ming era?

A.      Sweet potatoes

B.       Firearms

C.      Clocks

D.      Textile looms

E.       Livestock


5. Improvements in ocean travel between 1400 and 1700 included all the following except:

a. the compass.

b. square sail.

c. lateen sail.

d. astrolabe.

e. chronometer.


6.       How did the territorial expansion in Spanish America and Brazil differ from that in the United States and Canada?

A.     The experiences were identical; land was taken from natives and given to newcomers

B.     In North America, land was not taken, but purchased from the natives

C.     In South America, land was not taken, but purchased from the natives

D.     In North America, land went to small farmers; in South America it went to large estate owners.

E.     In South America, natives retained control of the land; in North America land was taken from the natives.


7.       What did not motivate early French settlers in North America?

A.      Profits from the European market for furs

B.       Religious persecution in France

C.      The opportunity to develop sugar plantations

D.      Discoveries of silver and gold

E.       Desire to buy spices from their source.


8.       We are crushed to the ground; we lie in ruins.

There is nothing but grief and suffering…

Have you grown weary of your servants?

Are you angry with your servants, O Giver of Life?


This example was most likely stated by

  1. a Russian serf
  2. a Chinese wife
  3. an Aztec warrior
  4. a Brahmin
  5. a Portuguese trader


9.       The Dutch established themselves in the East Indies by

A.      carefully arranging treaties with local tribal leaders

B.       promising free trade to any interested traders in the region

C.      destroying competitors in order to monopolize the spice trade

D.      destroying pirates in the region and protecting the security of all

E.       allying with local Chinese merchants


10.   During the Age of Absolutism (1600s and 1700s), European monarchies sought to

A.      increase human rights for their citizens.

B.       centralize political power in their nations.

C.      develop better relations with Muslim rulers.

D.      encourage the growth of corporate farmers.

E.       Decentralize power so that it was shared among the nobles.


11.     What was the demographic impact of the slave trade on Africa?

A.     The slave trade exported millions, but the loss was made up as a result of the natural reproduction of the Africans.

B.     Population in Africa seems to have grown at a higher than average rate.

C.     The slave trade had the impact of skewing the population of central Africa in favor of a disproportional number of women. 

D.     As a result of the slave trade, the population of Africa was only 1/3 of what it would have been without the export of men & women.

E.     Because men were stronger, they tended to avoid capture and made up a high percentage of central Africa's population.


12.     In the 16th century, the Reformation led to

A.      increasing peace and stability in Europe

B.       religious warfare between Protestants and Catholics

C.      greater support for the Church among all Christians

D.      attacks on Christianity and beliefs in God

E.       widespread secularization



Mosque in Istanbul dedicated to Mehmet                         St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome


13. The Islamic and Catholic centers of worship of the 15th and 16th centuries suggest all of the following EXCEPT

A.  Similar architectural and engineering styles were used by both Europe and the Ottoman Empire.

B.  Use of geometric design was a common feature

C.  Islam produced monumental forms while the Catholic Church preferred modest, humble structures.

D. Both borrowed from classical using arches and domes.

E.  Both represent demonstrations of power and influence in their societies.


          14.     Why did an increasing number of countries in Europe function more like nation-states beginning in the 1600s?

A.     Feudalism became more widespread.

B.     Politics began to decentralize.

C.     State institutions, especially bureaucracies, central banks, and armed forces, strengthened.

D.     Populations became more heterogeneous.

E.     none of the above


          15. Which of the following was NOT true regarding disease in the New World?

A.     The Natives lacked immunities

B.     Caused a severe decline in native population

C.     The diseases picked up by the Europeans in the New World were equally as devastating

D.     They undermined the natives ability to resist settlement

E.     Some diseases arrived in settlements before the Europeans themselves arrived.


          16.     Spain's principal reason for colonization in the New World was

A.     economic profit

B.     conversion of Native Americans

C.     scientific curiosity

D.     strategic advantage

E.     desire of Spanish to settle new lands


          17.     Why didn’t the Italian states take a lead in exploring the Atlantic?

A.     Italy lacked warm water access and seafaring technology.

B.     Their division into many city/states made it difficult for them to agree on one set course of action

C.     The trading states of Venice and Genoa preferred its system of alliances with the Muslims.

D.     Fear of the earth being flat

E.     Weren't concerned with profit as other regions


18. “In time of peace I can give you as complete satisfaction as anyone else in architecture, in the construction of buildings both public and private, and in the conducting of water from place to place…Also, I can execute sculpture in marble, bronze or clay, and also painting, in which my work will stand comparison with that of anyone else, whoever he may be.” Who was most likely to have said this?

A.     Donatello

B.     Michelangelo

C.     Hans Holbein

D.     Raphael

E.     Leonardo


19.   Westernization of Russia came about largely through the

A.      efforts of Peter the Great and his successors.

B.       invasion of Russia by Sweden.

C.      desire of the United States to seek new markets.

D.      invasion of Russia by the Mongols.

E.       acceptance of the policies of the Eastern Orthodox Church.


20.   An observation that could be made about the Ottoman empire in the 1400s and 1500s is that the empire

A.had control over the Indian sub-continent.

B. originated in Hungary.

C.had a strategic location between Europe and Asia.

D.was totally landlocked.

E. had control over most of Western Europe.


21.   A lasting impact of Latin American pre-Columbian civilizations was that these cultures

A.influenced art and architecture of later societies.

B. created a unified culture that resisted European rule.

C.encouraged social mobility.

D.developed a complex system of trade with Europe.

E. developed the first representative democracies in Latin America.


22.  According to the theory of mercantilism, colonies should be

A.acquired as markets and sources of raw materials.

B. considered an economic burden to the colonial power.

C.allowed to trade freely with other powers.

D.granted independence as soon as possible.

E. encouraged to develop their own industries.


23. Which of the following represents a similarity between the Ottomans and the Safavids?

A) Both recruited regiments from slave boys.

B) Each empire extended their territories into eastern Europe.

C) Both empires lacked substantial non-Muslim minorities.

D) Both empires had their geographical origins in Anatolia.

E) Leaders of both empires wrote in Persian.


24. “It is certain that, when the money rattles in the chest, avarice and may be increased, but the effect of intercession of the Church depends on the will of God alone…” Who was most likely to have said this?


A.     Martin Luther

B.     Mohammed

C.     Pope Gregory

D.     St. Benedict

E.     Suleiman the Magnificent


25. The correct sequence of events is:

a. The Enlightenment, Reformation, Scientific Revolution and Industrial Revolution.

b. The Reformation, Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment, and Industrial Revolution.

c. The Enlightenment, Industrial Revolution, Scientific Revolution and Reformation.

d. The Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment, Reformation, and Industrial Revolution.

e. The Industrial Revolution, Reformation, Scientific Revolution, and Enlightenment.


26.     Which of the following was NOT a part of the triangular trade system?

A.     The so-called Middle Passage that brought slaves to the Americas

B.     Colonial raw materials that went directly to Asia

C.     European manufactured goods that went to Africa

D.     Slaves traded for raw materials in the Americas

E.     Raw materials sent back to Europe from the Americas


27. The order of emergence for these African empires is:

a. Ghana, Songhay, Mali, the Kongo

b. Kongo, Ghana, Mali, the Songhay

c. Ghana, Songhay, Mali, the Kongo

d. Mali, Songhay, Ghana, the Kongo

e. Ghana, Mali, Songhay, the Kongo


28. The Magna Carta (1215) and the Bill of Rights (1689) determined the English right to:

a. a limited monarchy.

b. religious toleration.

c. a laissez faire economy.

d. universal suffrage.

e. divine right of kings.


29.“…since this law is the highest, the noblest, the most sacred, and especially the most suitable to have kings reign absolutely over the people…”


This quotation is an example of

  1. Constitutionalism
  2. Socialism
  3. Monarchism
  4. Absolutism
  5. Democracy


30.     Which of the following represents an impact of the Mongol control of Russia?

  1. urbanization
  2. increasing significance of Roman Catholicism
  3. mass conversion from Eastern Orthodoxy to Islam

D.     rise of Moscow’s power

  1. closer links with the West


31.     What most aided Hernan Cortes in his conquest of the Aztec Empire?

A.      Popular belief that Montezuma was Quetzalcoatl returned to earth

B.       The decayed state of the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan

C.      Belief that the spread of smallpox was due to supernatural forces

D.      Resentment towards the Aztecs by many Amerindians

E.       The large size of Cortes’ army


32. The chief positive European contribution to the Americas as part of the "Colombian Exchange" was

A) bullion.

B) disease.

C) large domesticated animals.

D) slavery.

E) high-calorie plants that provided new sources of nutrition.


33. The initiative for Western exploration came first from the kingdom of

A) England.

B) Spain.

C) France.

D) Sicily.

E) Portugal.


34.   In Latin America during the early period of Spanish colonialism, the deaths of large numbers of native people led to

A.      a decline in Spanish immigration to the Americas.

B.       the removal of most Spanish troops from the Americas.

C.      an decline in Spanish immigration to the interior of the Americas

D.      the importation of slaves from Africa.

E.       improved health care in the colonies.


35. Africans trading slaves with Europeans most often preferred to receive in return

A.      beads and blankets.

B.       rum and horses.

C.      gold and ivory.

D.      porcelain and silks.

E.       guns and textiles.


36. One of the most significant impacts of sugarcane production on global economies was

  1. Widespread deterioration in diet and nutrition.
  2. The increased demand for slave labor
  3. Increased demand for tea and coffee
  4. Increased demand for other luxury goods, such as porcelain
  5. All of the above.


37. How was Japan reunified by 1615?

 (A) The emperor reasserted his power.

 (B) It was forced to unify against outside invaders from Europe.

 (C) Its politicians settled their disputes for largely economic reasons.

 (D) Three politician-warlords used both force and diplomacy to reunite the country.

(E) none of the above


38. Which statement describes an impact that the Columbian Exchange had on the lives of Europeans?

A-     The transfer of Africans to Europe supported the developments that led to the Industrial Revolution.

B-     New diseases were brought to Europe and resulted in massive deaths caused by a plague.

C-     Native Americans immigrated to Europe and competed with Europeans for jobs.

D-     Cross-cultural contacts between South America and Asia declined.

E-     The transfer of new products and ideas encouraged economic growth.


39. A change to the cultural and economic well being of the Amerindian culture of North America brought by Europeans was:

a. the introduction of weaving.

b. the introduction of sugar and tobacco growing.

c. the introduction of horses.

d. the introduction of farming and herding.

e. the introduction of mining for precious metals.


40.     During the 18th century, European wars became increasingly mercantilist. That means

A.     merchants became soldiers and fought against each other

B.     countries fought each other as they pursued colonies and control of trade routes.

C.     economic warfare took place at the negotiating table, not on the battlefield

D.     state funding for wars depended on the support of merchants

E.     wars were fought between rival trading companies rather than between states









Asia (excl. Russia/USSR)



Latin America



North America



Europe (incl. Russia/USSR)









41. What CANNOT be an accurate explanation for the trends shown in this chart?

A.     The population of Latin America was decreased by immigration.

B.     The population of Africa was decreased by slavery.

C.     The population of Eurasia was increased by the availability of new foods.

D.     The population of the world was increased overall as a result of the Columbian Exchange.

E.     The net impact on North America’s population was neutral.