When I speak of the “the Cold War system” and
“the globalization system,” what do I mean?
I mean that, as an international system, the Cold War had its own
structure of power: the balance between the
When taken all together the elements of this Cold War system influenced
the domestic politics and foreign relations of virtually every country in the
world. The Cold War system didn’t shape everything, but it shaped many things.
Today’s era of globalization, which replaced the Cold War, is a similar
international system, with its own unique attributes.
To begin with, the globalization system, unlike the Cold War system, is
not static, but a dynamic ongoing process: globalization involves the
inexorable integration of markets, nation-states, and technologies to a degree
never witnessed before—in a way that is enabling individuals, corporations, and
nation-states to reach around the world farther, faster, deeper, and cheaper
than ever before, and in a way that is also producing a powerful backlash from
those brutalized or left behind by this new system.
The driving idea behind globalization is free-market capitalism—the
more you let market forces rule and the more you open your economy to free
trade and competition, the more efficient and flourishing your economy will be.
Globalization means the spread of free-market capitalism to virtually every
country in the world. Globalization also
has its own set of economic rules—rules that revolve around opening,
deregulating and privatizing your economy.
Unlike the Cold War system, globalization has its own dominant culture,
which is why it tends to be homogenizing. In previous eras this sort of
cultural homogenization happened on a regional scale—the Hellenization
of the Near East and the Mediterranean world under the Greeks, the Turkification of Central Asia, North Africa, Europe and the
Middle East by the Ottomans, or the Russification of
Eastern and Central Europe and parts of Eurasia under the Soviets. Culturally
speaking, globalization is largely, though not entirely, the spread of
Americanization—from Big Macs to imacs to Mickey
Mouse—on a global scale.
Globalization has its own defining technologies: computerization,
miniaturization, digitization, satellite communications, fiber optics and the
Internet. And these technologies helped to create the defining perspective of
globalization. If the defining perspective of the Cold War world was
“division,” the defining perspective of globalization is “integration.” The
symbol of the Cold War system was a wall, which divided everyone. The symbol of
the globalization system is a World Wide Web, which unites everyone. The
defining document of the Cold War system was “The Treaty.” The defining
document of the globalization system is “The Deal.”
Once a country makes the leap into the system of globalization, its
elites begin to internalize this perspective of integration, and always try to
locate themselves in a global context. I was visiting
when one talked about macroeconomics, we started by
looking at the local markets, local financial system and
interrelationship between them, and then, as
an afterthought, we
looked at the international economy. There was a feeling
that what
we do is primarily our own business and then there are
some outlets
where we will sell abroad. Now we reverse the
perspective. Let’s not
ask what markets we should export to, after having
decided what to
produce; rather let’s first study
the global framework within which we
operate and then decide what to produce. It changes your whole perspective.”
While the defining measurement of the Cold War was
weight—particularly the throw weight of missiles—the defining measurement of
the globalization system is speed—speed of commerce, travel, communication and
innovation. The Cold War was about Einstein’s mass-energy equation, e = mc2.
Globalization is about
If the defining economists of the Cold War system
were Karl Marx and John Maynard Keynes, who each in his own way wanted to tame
capitalism, the defining economists of the globalization system are Joseph Schumpeter and former Intel CEO Andy Grove, who prefer to
unleash capitalism. Schumpeter, a former Austrian Minister of Finance and
Harvard Business School professor, expressed the view in his classic work,
Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, that the essence of capitalism is the
process of “creative destruction”—the perpetual cycle of destroying the old and
less efficient product or
service and replacing it with new,
more efficient ones. Andy Grove took Schumpeter’s
insight that “only the paranoid survive” for the title of his book on life in
Surowiecki, the business columnist for Slate
magazine, reviewing Grove’s book, neatly summarized what Schumpeter
and Grove have in common, which is the essence of globalization economics. It
is the notion that: “Innovation replaces tradition. The present—or perhaps the
future—replaces the past. Nothing matters so much as what will come next, and
what will come next can only arrive if what is here now gets overturned. While
this makes the system a terrific place for innovation, it makes it a difficult
place to live, since most people prefer some measure of security about the
future to a life lived in almost constant uncertainty ... We are not forced to
re-create our relationships with those closest to us on a regular basis. And
yet that’s precisely what Schumpeter, and Grove after
him, suggest is necessary to prosper [today].”
Indeed, if the Cold War were a sport, it would be
sumo wrestling, says
By contrast, if globalization were a sport, it would
be the 100-meter dash, over and over and over. And no matter how many times you
win, you have to race again the next day. And if you lose by just one-hundredth
of a second it can be as if you lost by an hour. (Just ask French
multinationals. In 1999, French labor laws were changed,
requiring—requiring—every employer to implement a four-hour reduction in the
legal workweek, from 39 hours to 35 hours, with no cut in pay. Many French
firms were fighting the move because of the impact it would have on their
productivity in a global market. Henri Thierry, human resources director for
Thomson-CSF Communications, a high-tech firm in the suburbs of
To paraphrase German political theorist Carl
Schmitt, the Cold War was a world of “friends” and “enemies.” The globalization
world, by contrast, tends to turn all friends and enemies into “competitors.”
If the defining anxiety of the Cold War was fear of
annihilation from an enemy you knew all too well in a world struggle that was
fixed and stable, the defining anxiety in globalization is fear of rapid change
from an enemy you can’t see, touch or feel—a sense that your job, community or
workplace can be changed at any moment by anonymous economic and technological
forces that are anything but stable.
In the Cold War we reached for the hot line between
the White House and the Kremlin—a symbol that we were all divided but at least
someone, the two superpowers, were in charge. In the era of globalization we
reach for the Internet—a symbol that we are all connected but nobody is totally
in charge. The defining defense system of the Cold War was radar—to expose the
threats coming from the other side of the wall. The defining defense system of
the globalization era is the X-ray machine-to expose
the threats coming from within.
Globalization also has its own demographic pattern—a
rapid acceleration of the movement of people from rural areas and agricultural
lifestyles to urban areas and urban lifestyles more intimately linked with
global fashion, food, markets, and entertainment trends.
and most important, globalization has its own defining structure of power,
which is much more complex than the Cold War structure. The Cold War system was built exclusively
around nation-states, and it was balanced at the center by two superpowers: the
The globalization system, by contrast, is built
around three balances, which overlap and affect one another. The first is the
traditional balance between nation-states. In the globalization system, the
The second balance in the globalization system is
between nation-states and global markets. These global markets are made up of
millions of investors moving money around the world with the click of a mouse.
I call them “the Electronic Herd” and this herd gathers in key global financial
centers, such as Wall Street,
third balance that you have to pay attention to in the globalization system—the
one that is really the newest of all is the balance between individuals and
nation-states. Because globalization has brought down many of the walls that
limited the movement and reach of people, and because it has simultaneously
wired the world into networks, it gives more power to individuals to influence
both markets and nation-states than at any time in history. So
you have today not only a superpower, not only Supermarkets, but, as I will
also demonstrate later in the book, you have Super-empowered individuals.
Some of these Super-empowered individuals are quite angry, some of them quite
wonderful—but all of them are now able to act directly on the world stage
without the traditional mediation of governments, corporations or any other
public or private institutions. Without the knowledge of the
Osama bin Laden, a Saudi
millionaire with his own global network, declared war on the
Nation-states, and the American superpower in
particular, are still hugely important today, but so too now are Supermarkets
and Super-empowered individuals. You will never understand the globalization
system, or the front page of the morning paper, unless you see it as a complex
interaction between all three of these actors: states bumping up against
states, states bumping up against Supermarkets, and Supermarkets and states
bumping up against Super-empowered individuals.
From The Lexus and the Olive Tree:
Understanding Globalization, by Thomas L. Friedman