AP Prep World History

Course Syllabus

Fall, 2006

Jonathan Henderson

South Forsyth High School




Course Description

AP Prep World History is a two-semester advanced level course designed to prepare students for the regular Advanced Placement World History course.  The content of this course will closely follow that outlined by the College Board for their Advanced Placement Course in World History.  Consequently, this course will be much different than the traditional high school World History or Honors World History course.  Its approach will be global, analyzing and comparing several themes across different global regions and time periods.  European History will comprise only about 30% of the course.  American History is only considered to the extent of its involvement in global processes.  Additionally, the level of instruction and expectations will be high. 


Chronologically, the course will be broken down into the following broad time periods with unit exams following each:

            I.          Foundations

            II.         600 B.C.-1450 A.D.

            III.       1450-1750      

            IV.       1750-1914

            V.        1914-the present


The tentative exam dates for each of these Units is as follows:


                                    Unit I Exam                  August 31

                                    Unit II Exam                 October 4

                                    Unit III Exam                November 3

                                    Unit IV Exam               November 17

                                    Unit V Exam                 December 15




It is impossible to cover all the material for AP World History in class time so it is imperative that you read all the assigned material.  Please understand that I will test you on reading material not covered in class.  Class discussions will not be adequate substitutes for not having read the assignments. I do not give “busy work” type assignments.  However, I would suggest that you review the material from class periodically to help you on the unit exams.





The Unit exams in this class will follow the format of the AP exam some of you will take in May of next year.  Each exam will be comprised of multiple-choice questions and an essay question.  There will also be small chapter tests periodically.



Every student is also required to keep a notebook or folder for this class.  The notebook will contain class notes, papers and handouts, and all documents used in class. 


Class participation

This grade will be determined by the students' part in class discussion, their awareness of the topics through reading the material, and their preparedness for class.  The former includes coming to class with materials, notebooks, etc.




The primary text for this class is:


World History: Patterns of Interaction, McDougal Littell.


Textbook website:   http://www.classzone.com/books/wh_survey05/index.cfm


Each student will be assigned a copy of this textbook to take home.  Additionally, there will be a class set to be kept in the room.  This will eliminate the need to carry this textbook to and from school everyday.  Students need to bear in mind that they are responsible for the specific textbook they are issued to take home.  The cost of replacing this textbook is _____ and must be paid by the student in the event of its loss.



The semester and quarter grades for this class will be calculated according to the following guidelines:

            EXAMS                                               60%


            HOMEWORK AND


            ASSIGNMENTS                                 40%



Jonathan Henderson

Room 1609

770 781 2264  ex 1609

email  jhenderson@forsyth.k12.ga.us